Jumat, 26 Februari 2016

How Rohaluss do Digital Painting : A Walkthrough

[In Indonesia, this picture is already NSFW-ish. Goddammit]

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I'm back with a tutorial!
Today, I will show you my painting of my soon-to-be Teen-novel character!
Her name is Liliana Nataka Everiil

Without futher ado, let's begin!
[All Italics are in Indonesian Language. Ignore if you must]

Lineart cleaning
Pls ignore the skirt

First, I did a quick sketch of my character. The pose is a little bit hard, heheh. She's not really fashionable, so a really short shirt and shortskirt will do.

It does not have to be clean since we'll paint above it later

Pertama, aku menggambar sketsa karakterku. Posenya nyebelin, haha. Dia enggak terlalu mementingkan pakaiannya, jadi baju pendek sama rok mini juga cukup lah.

Gak usah rapih-rapih amat, sumpah.

Meh, looks boring

Now that we have our sketch done, we'll give the background a little bit of color. I use flat brush. Any color and any other settings will do.

The reason why we paint some background first is to make the color looks nice. I use Red-Purpe-Bright Blue swatch. It's closer to 'split complementary' colors (I'm learning color theory as well bruh)

Setelah selesai meng-skesa, kita kasih latarnya sedikit warna. Aku pakai settings- flat brush. Tapi kalau kalian mau pake warna lain atau settingan lain, gak masalah kok.

Kenapa kita harus mewarnai latar dulu? Nanti biar warnanya gak terlalu nabrak. Aku pake warna Merah-jingga - Ungu - Biru muda. Aku lagi belajar teori warna so bear with me.

After that, I slap in some base color between the BG and the lineart. I tried stay within the swatches, but I don't really recommend anyone doing so. Me, myself, I broke the rules by adding dark blue, but I make sure the color is desaurated af so it does not crash the warm color.

I'm sorry if my explanation is bad. I feel bad orz

Setelah itu, aku masukin warna dasar di antara layer lineart dan layar background. Aku coba diem di warna latar, tapi ya itu gak bagus juga sih. Aku pake warna biru, tapi birunya mendekati warna kelabu supaya gak nabrak warna 'hangat' dari merah dan oranye.

Duh, gimana jelasinnya ya, aku bingung orz

After that, we can start painting!

Make a new layer above the lineart and start detailing the painting. I always start from the main point (in this case, it's the face), but I always keep the hair for later. I'm so lazy lol.

Setelah itu, kita mulai melukis! Yey!

Buat layer baru di atas lineart dan mulai memberi detail sedikit demi sedikit. Aku biasanya mulai dari wajah dan diakhiri dengan rambut. Tapi itumah terserah orang-orang aja sih.

I ignored the lightsource... fuck. Don't make a same mistake as I do, okay?

Aku lupa menentukan sumber cahaya... astaga. Jangan ditiru kalau yang ininyamah.

Keep adding the colors! I use the same red as in the background, with a low opacity brush. You can experiment with red, purple, and/or magenta.

Many artist use purple for skin shading, but it never works on me.

Tambahkan warna! Aku pakai warna merah yang sama kayak yang ada di latarnya, tapi pake brush yang tipis. Warna shadingnya merah, ungu, atau magenta.

Banyak artist yang menggunakan warna ungu untuk shading kulit, tapi da akumah apa atuh.

For the clothing, I firstly imagine how the shadow will cast, then I blend it with my beloved blending brushes. How do I make the wrinkly effect, you ask? MAGIC. Seriously, experiment. I, myself, feel proud of it as well.

Untuk pakaian, aku pertama-tama memberi gambaran bagaimana bayangan akan terbentuk, lalu dengan blend brush kesayanganku aku menciptakan kerutan dan sedikit tekstur pakaian. Gimana caranya? GUA JUGA GAK TAU SUMPAH. Bereksperimenlah. Aku sendiri bangga dengan bajunya lol.

I did the same thing for the skirt, but less complicated.

Sorry, no zoom in. I'm afraid my country will ban this web if I gave many details on skirts.

Roknya juga sama, tapi enggak seribet baju.

Maaf, gak dikasi tau caranya. Takut di-blacklist Ipo-chan nih :v Hahahaha...

Now for hair! I added a little strands of dark red using marker. I use fringe effect as well.

Untuk rambut, aku kasih warna merah gelap menggunakan tool marker. Aku juga pake effect fringe dikit.

Later, I use magenta to make another shade of color.

Experiment at it's finest.

Terus, di layer baru, aku pake warna magenta cerah untuk memberikan kesan keunguan.

Eksperimen warna deh, pokoknya.


I add more purple and some blue

Aku juga menambahkan sentuhan akhir ungu cerah dan warna biru tua.



We have to add secondary shading so this drawing does not looks flat.

Daaan... Selesai!!


Kita akan menambahkan bayangan kedua supaya gambar ini gak keliatan flat getooh.

On multiply layer, add some pinkish red to some area that needs to be shaded.

And folks, this is the moment I realise I don't have planning on light. Goddammit.

Di layer multiply, beri sedikit warna pink agak merah (magenta?) di area yang harus dikasih bayangan.

Dan barulah aku sadar aku gak punya planning tentang bayangan. Dang.

And then, BLUR!

I use water brush, regular settings on SAI. Water, kay? Not WATERCOLOR.

Lalu... BLUR!

Aku pake settingan normal di Paint Tool Sai, water brush.

Then, I forgot to color her eye.

It's so fuckin l8 m8.

Aaand DONE!

I added light effects, it's not important. Final touching? Meh, I just add some dots in Luminousity layer.  There. Now off you guys go. I want to go sleep.

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